November Satsang: Who Are You?
Jai Bhagwan and good morning! First, Ramdas wants to thank those of you who attended satsang in person last night. Your presence is a vital part of what satsang is. Without you, it’s just Ramdas flapping his gums! Not to mention all the chai and cake he then has to eat alone. If you couldn’t attend, missed the broadcast, or just prefer to read instead of watch a video, here’s a quick review of last night’s get together.
Giving From the Heart—2017
In 2009, Ramdas started donating all the proceeds from the classes taught in November and December to charity. This year, Bhakti House continues that tradition. All classes in November and December are by donation. Bhakti House will donate 100% of all proceeds from November and December to the Encircle Resource Center in Provo, UT. Encircle’s ultimate aim is “to reduce the risk of suicide for LGBTQ youth and prevent youth homelessness by always working towards family reunification, and by providing access to private counseling, support groups, acceptance and love. We want all youth to learn to love themselves.”
New Classes
In addition to the classes you currently enjoy at Bhakti House, we’re planning new classes for 2018. These will include weekly classes during the mid-day and moving Yoga Nidra from a monthly event to a weekly class. Not only are we offering more classes beginning in January but we already have some major events planned: Sadhana of Prana will return at the Krishna Temple February 2-4th, 2018.
We’ve also arranged for Yogacharya Chandrakant to join us in April for a 10 day Meditation in Motion Immersion. This is a rare opportunity to learn from one who has lived as studied with Gurudev for nearly 40 years.
Who Are You?
Lastly, Ramdas announced that he received two titles in October: Grandpa (to be) and Senior Teacher of the Lineage from Gurudev. We each receive many titles, labels as Ramdas called them, throughout our lives. Some of these labels build us up and others pull us down. Ramdas reminded us that the True Self, who we really are, remains unchanged by any of the labels we carry. It is like a gem. Even if buried in the foulest mud, the gem remains unchanged.
“No matter how wonderful, no matter how horrible. You are none of the labels that have been placed on you. You are and always have been and always will be beautiful, unflawed, tranquil, relaxed. As you look at the labels in your own life, make use of the ones that make it easier for you to share love and kindness with yourself and with everyone who’s around you. Let go of the labels that make it more difficult to show kindness and love to yourself and those who are around you.”
The Crystal: Martin Reisch on Unsplash.com
Enamel Cups: André Freitas on Unsplash.com
Encircle Logo: Encircle website
Chandrakant: Amrit Yoga Institute